Taking a look at a host of structured products that are on offer this month from some of the active providers in the sector, it is clear to see a broad range of different structures that can be utilised by investors depending on their specific objectives and risk appetites.

Always refer to the investment literature for full terms and conditions.

Arcus Partners – 6Y UK & Europe Defensive Step-Down Kickout Plan (MS23)

A 6-year capital at risk autocall backed by Morgan Stanley offers a potential for early maturity from year three onwards, returning 9.30% for each year held. Early maturity will be triggered if both the FTSE 100 and Euro Stoxx 50 indices are at or above the initial level on year three, 95% in year four, 90% in year five and finally 80% in year six. Should no early maturity occur, capital will be returned if both indices are no more than 35% lower at the end of the term.

hop investing – 10Y Fixed Growth Recallable Deposit Plan

A maximum 10-year issuer callable deposit plan, from Société Générale, features the potential for the deposit taker to call the plan early on any of the plan’s annual observation dates from year two onwards. Should the issuer call the plan, a 7.25% interest payment will be paid for each year held. If no early call is made, investors will receive an interest payment of 57.5% at the end of ten years.

iDAD – FTSE CSER Step Down Kick Out Plan

A 5-year capital at risk plan backed by Goldman Sachs features potential to mature on the second or subsequent anniversary where the FTSE CSER is at or above a pre-defined reference level (which reduces to 85%), returning 8.10% gain for each year held. If no early maturity occurs and the index is between 15% and 35% lower, original capital will be returned in full. Loss will occur if the index is more than 35% lower at the end of the term.

The FTSE CSER (FTSE 100 Synthetic Excess Return Index) created and administered by FTSE Russell uses FTSE 100 futures to reflect both the performance in share prices and any dividend income but does not include the return from interest rates.  In normal market conditions it is expected to deliver returns similar to those of the FTSE 100 Price Return Index but will underperform if interest rates exceed the dividend income from the single stock components of the FTSE 100 index and vice versa.

Mariana – Capital Protected Dual Option Kick Out Plan – Option 1

A maximum 10-year capital protected autocall from Citigroup features potential to mature on the third or subsequent anniversary where the FTSE CSDI is at or above 95% of the initial index level recorded at commencement. Investor will be rewarded 6.75% for each year the plan is in force should positive maturity be triggered. If no early maturity occurs after 10 years because the CSDI is more than 5% below the initial level, capital will be returned in full.

MB Structured Investments – Europe 5Y Annual 100 Kick Out Plan (Y2 65)

A maximum 5-year capital at risk autocall, backed by Barclays, features the potential to mature early on the second or subsequent anniversary where the Euro Stoxx 50 Index is at or above the initial level recorded at commencement. 9.35% will be returned for each year the plan is held, if no positive maturity is triggered and at the end of the term the Euro Stoxx 50 is no more than 35% lower, invested capital will be returned.

Walker Crips – UK Defensive Annual Kick-out Plan (CA094)

A maximum 7-year autocall plan from Credit Agricole features potential to mature on the second or subsequent anniversary provided the FTSE 100 is equal to or higher than the initial level recorded. On the final observation date, if the FTSE is no more than 25% lower, 7% will be returned for each year. Capital is protected subject to the FTSE being no more than 35% below its initial level at the end of the term.

The plans above demonstrate just some of the typical investments offered by the popular providers in the sector, many of which offer a spectrum of structured products catering to different risk profiles. To see the currently available plans they have on offer, please visit our current products page here.


Structured investments put capital at risk.